ecoATM | Gazelle Shirts and Kitchen Wall Art

The kitchen area at ecoATM was where the all-hands meetings would take place, and also the one area in the building that people would gather. At one end of the room, behind where the stage would be setup for a meeting, the wall was just a large white expanse of nothing… for a while there was talk of putting the company mission statement on the wall, but that would always get down voted by leadership. Eventually an uncomfortable stalemate was reached resulting in the wall remaining bare.

During the re-branding period I was asked to create a design for a company t-shirt for employees to wear. Since the new stance was really putting the eco in the name ecoATM, I went with forest imagery framed by the phones. This was also a subtle nod to the connection to the Pacific Northwest some in the company leadership had.

The t-shirt design went over so well with the leadership team they decided on putting the artwork from the shirts onto the wall. Since the phone design would take up only so much of the massive wall, I made a few mockups with the company values above the artwork, and that’s what eventually was printed and installed on the wall.