AutoAnything Recognition Wall

There was a competition held between the designers in the marketing department to see who could come up with the best ‘centerpiece’ for a new recognition wall for the call center. The direction was: “Give us something that tells a story about being the best”.

Given that many people in the company were car-people, I knew the theme of showing off would resonate. At the end of the day people modify their vehicles to scratch a slightly vain itch, and the result of this can sometimes be the impromptu car meet. Of course, since we’re talking about customizing a vehicle, the ones that needed to be used in the poster were going to be modified.

Here’s a quick glimpse of some of the steps involved in creating the orange M3 in the poster. The Mustang received a similar treatment (it was not originally red).

The contest was judged by the owner and the president of the company. I ended up winning the contest and ultimately had my design be the center of the recognition board.